Partnerships in Singapore
CNRS partnerships in Singapore
4 International Research Laboratories
International Research Laboratories are the more mature level of organization for international cooperation. They are genuine joint laboratories located within partner universities, and they bring together researchers, PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, engineers, and technicians from both the CNRS and the partner institutions for 5-years mandates. Those initial mandates are often extended so their global duration can reach 15 years or even more.
CINTRA UMI 3288 is a joint research laboratory between CNRS, NTU Singapore and Thales. Based on NTU campus CINTRA was established in 2009 and has just celebrated its 10th anniversary. CINTRA develops research activities on Nano-electronics and Nano-photonics technologies
International Research Laboratory between France and Singapore in Quantum Matter Physics, Quantum Information and Computation, Quantum Materials and Photonics. The signing institutions of the IRL MajuLab are CNRS, Université Côte d’Azur, Sorbonne Université, National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University of Singapore. The IRL Majulab is currently directed by Dr Christian Miniatura (CNRS). It is one of the 75 IRL developed by the CNRS with strategic partners across the world and one of the 5 IRL in Singapore.
International Research Laboratory between France and Singapore on Artificial Intelligence. The partners of the IRL IPAL are CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes, Institut Mines Telecom, National University of Singapore and A*Star. The IRL IPAL is currently directed by Dr Christophe JOUFFRAIS (CNRS).
The International Research Laboratory BMC² Biomechanics of Cell-Cell Contacts is part of the Mechanobiology institute of Singapore. It is one of the 75 IRL developed by the CNRS with strategic partners across the world and one of the 5 IRL in Singapore. It is directed by Virgile Viasnoff who funded it in 2014. It is composed of about 15 peoples including Postdocs. PhD students and Research assistant. It benefits and contributes to the unique setting of the institute to bring together very interdisciplinary researchers ( biology, physics, optic computing, material science) to study mechanobiology ie the role of mechanics in Biology.
4 International Research Projects
International Research Projects are collaborative research projects between CNRS and partner laboratories. They strengthen previously-established collaboration and allow to develop joint research activity, field work, experimentation, and supervising students. Their mandate is 5 years and can be extended once.
The project SynBioEco (Synthetic Biology for a Bio-inspired Economy) is managed by Véronique Le Berre Anton (Toulouse Biotechnology Institute, CNRS) in collaboration with Dr Matthew Chang (Synthetic Biology for Clinical and Technological Innovation (SynCTI) National University of Singapore).
STRETCH-SMART (Heterogeneous STRETCHable Systems, MechAnical propeRTies and associated functionalities at small scales) is a project between the LSPM (D. Faurie, F. Zighem) and PPRIME (P.-O. Renault) french institutes, and NUS (A.O. Adeyeye, Vivian Ng).
The project Fibermed (“Specialty optical fiber based biosensing for medical applications”) is developed in partnership between the research Laboratory XLIM, UMR7252, Limoges, France and the Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (SBIC) of Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Agency, Singapore. It addresses the development of new biosensing techniques and tool prototypes for medical diagnostics, by exploiting the properties of specially fabricated optical fiber as biosensing platforms
DNA Origami
The project DNA Origami (“Use of Non-Canonical Nucleic Acid Structures in DNA Origami”) is developed in partnership between the research laboratory LBPA (Laboratory of Biology and Applied Pharmacology, CNRS – École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay) France and a laboratory from the Physics and Applied Physics division of the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at NTU, Singapore.
2 International Research Networks
International Research Networks will structure and gather a large international scientific community around a common theme or à research infrastructure. It promotes the organization of international workshops and seminars, as well as thematic schools. It brings together, for a duration of five years, researchers from several French and international laboratories, and several countries can be involved in one network.
The IRN “SINERGIE” for French-SINgaporean network on renewable enERGIEs is a joint CNRS-NTU initiative that is the follow-up of an international workshop on Renewable Energy which was held in Singapore in early February 2015. From 2016 to 2019, the network involved 25 laboratories from 27 institutions in France, and the Nanyang Technological University and ENGIE-Lab in Singapore. In 2020, 4 additional laboratories from 3 French institutions joined the network. SINERGIE should be renewed for 4 years in 2021.
The network TranSocGen (“Transnational Transdisciplinary Network on Society and Genetics”) is developed in collaboration with 11 research labs from 7 countries and will be effective between 2019 and 2023. It was created by the Centre for Southeast Asia (CASE) in partnership with the French Institute of Research on East Asia (IFRAE) and the French Centre on Contemporary China (CEFC), which are part of the “GIS Asie”, the French Network for Asian studies. The IRN involves 40 Junior and Senior Researchers.