Pour la Science – Cover article by Alexia Auffèves
Pour la Science – Cover article by Alexia Auffèves
Pour la Science is a french magazine published monthly and dedicated to scientific popularization
Alexia Auffèves, Director of the International Research Laboratory MajuLab, specialized in quantum physics and based in Singapor, has written an article in the magazine “Pour la science” on quantum energy.
The article is on the cover of the February issue and is available (French only) via this link: https://www.pourlascience.fr/sd/physique/pour-la-science-n0544-24642.php
This month topic:
This is the story of an unprecedented encounter. That of thermodynamics, queen of the sciences of the 19th century, and of quantum physics, the rapidly expanding frontier of 21st century physics. The first one was born from the industrial revolution, and made the power of thermal machines. The second one is already living its second revolution: its theoretical foundations are solid, and it is now conquering the world of engineers. Quantum machines (computers, transmission and encryption devices…) are here. How to optimize them? How to develop computing power without soaring energy consumption? Can we really design an engine driven by the mere fact of measuring something? Answers, at the crossroads of science, in the new issue of Pour la Science.